Warranty & Liabilities
All of our nebulizers are sold with a 3 month total satisfaction guarantee (starting from the date they were delivered). If for any reason there is a problem with a nebulizer you have received within the first 3 months, we will send a replacement free of charge immediately.
The original nebulizer will need to be returned after you have received the replacement so we can examine the nebulizer and identify the problem.
Please Note: The nebulizer exterior is very durable, but the tip of the nebulizer is extremely delicate and can be easily damaged. This warranty is meant to cover manufacturing defects and does not apply if the nebulizer has been obviously mishandled and physically damaged ie. has been dropped on the floor without the protective cap in place. If we receive a nebulizer that has been clearly damaged by user error, we will bill for the new replacement nebulizer.
DO NOT HANDLE unless you are sure that the nebulizer is dry or washed with distilled water.
These devices operate on compressed gases. Use appropriate care.
Burgener Research Inc. does not warranty the nebulizer beyond the purchase price.
Appropriate care must be taken. If in doubt, call an operator experienced with pressurized devices, or call Burgener Research Inc. at (905) 823 3535. Note that some nebulizers have been tested to 200+psi.
The manufacturer & the agent assume NO liability for damage however caused in the handling & usage of the nebulizer. Use at your own risk.
If these terms are not acceptable, the user may return their unused nebulizer for a full refund, within the initial 3 month warranty period.